Monday, April 23, 2012

Sweet Aroma
     So, I have started a new waking up routine with a good friend in order to "maximize my mornings" compliments of and this morning was the first morning.  I didn't want to wake up, but a few minutes into my quiet time...and I was alive:).  I took the time to spend in God's word, pray, encourage my husband, worship, stretch, sing, eat breakfast, sit on the porch and marvel at the beauty, look in on my sleeping boys, and all of that in just 45 minutes.  It was good.  
     And then as I was getting ready for work, I was drying my hair and smelled baby powder.  I was not wearing baby powder and kind of detest deodorant that smells of baby powder...Then a funny thought hit me.  I was reminded of our ladies' retreat last year where we talked about a "sweet aroma" to Jesus.    And I laughed, thinking that my sweet aroma during this time in my life is that of baby powder because I am a mama:).  Praise God for a beautiful morning where I was encouraged to get out of bed and spend time with the One who made the morning.  

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Who I am to You...

So the last few weeks have been rough. I think at some point, we all battle the thoughts in our heads and at times find ourselves defeated by them. That's been my past month. I was reminded last night by my husband that there are some big things on my plate in the next few weeks and these things could potentially (and hopefully) draw people closer to God. It seems as though these are the hardest times to fight what Satan attacks with...and generally, if you look from the beginning of time, Satan has us doubt who we are and our purpose in this life. The serpent asked Eve, "did God really say that you couldn't eat from this tree?"...she knew what God said...maybe she let doubt slip in...I don't know..I wasn't there. But I recognize that doubt is a swift beast that moves in and attacks we don't really notice at first.
But last night, I was reminded of who I am. Andy and I had some time to talk last night about life...and as he prayed for me...I just felt peace. Yes, God, this is just right. I went in to check on Micah and Noah before I went to bed myself...and Micah was sitting up with a fear on his face (although his eyes were closed) if on the verge of tears...I laid him down and placed my and on his arm...and instantly he went back to sleep. In that second...I felt God say, "I heard you...I hear you, Lannie. This is my reminder that I am here...just like your touch calmed Micah...let me do the same" (and He already had!).
And then, today, my mom talked to me about the song "Remind me who I am"...such a gentle reminder from God that when we ask, He does...

When my heart is like a stone,
And I'm running far from home,
Remind me who I am.
When I can't receive your love,
Afraid I'll never be enough,
Remind me who I am.

If I'm your beloved,Can you help me believe it.

Tell me once again who I am to you.
Who I am to you.
Tell me lest I forget who I am to you.That I belong to you.
(excerpt from Remind Me Who I Am by Jason Gray)
